More Final Fantasy XV Collector’s Editions Going to be Launched
First round of Final Fantasy 15 collector’s editions was sold out quickly when they went up for preorder last month so Square Enix reported that they are producing more Final Fantasy XV collector’s editions. Besides that, no one could guarantee that these new editions, which will be available worldwide, will make it out for September 30 when the game is going to be launched.
News spread in Square Enix Twitter page. The company also mentioned that as for the potential shipping delays, these were the result of factors outside of their control. And as for the second round of the Collector’s Editions, they will do their best to ensure that these will arrive on time. More information on how to place an order is going to be announced later.
Final Fantasy XV Collector’s Edition was released limitedly, counting only 30 000 copies originally. They were sold only through Square Enix’s online store. The price of it was $270 and it included: the game, special steelbook case, artbook, Play Art Kai statue of Noctis, soundtrack and more. Other special game edition, the Deluxe Edition for $90, is still in stock.
As always, some of the sold-out Final Fantasy 15 Collector’s Editions appeared on eBay, a popular auction site. They were sold with huge prices, some of them even reaching $700! It is still unclear if Square Enix will do anything with this situation but Hajime Tabata, Final Fantasy 15 director, previously acknowledged that they are well aware of this situation.
Final Fantasy 15 is planned to be launched on September 30. Also, a playable demo was recently released, you can check more news about how the two versions compare here. Interested to know what Square Enix has to say about some of the technical complaints or to read about anime prequel that is also on the way, as is a feature film? Follow the news!
Good news! We will be producing more #FFXV Ultimate Collector’s Editions which will be available worldwide!
[1/3] pic.twitter.com/CDfI8bHbPx— Final Fantasy XV (@FFXVEN) April 21, 2016